

U. G. L. Y. Supporting Utah Single Moms, Helping Hand to Homeless, Small Businesses, & Acts of Kindness


April 6, 2014

Thankful and Grateful…


U.G.L.Y. loves helping others to see all the good in the world around us. Its the first Sunday of April and we must be Grateful and Thankful.For everything and everyone. Keep you mind positive and always open to the signs around you.



Have a Beautiful Blessed Sunday. Take time for yourself today and recharge your body and mind. 

Much Love,

U.G.L.Y.     Utah Girls Love You

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Find Your Gift….


U.G.L.Y. is looking for the rainbows in everything today. The bright and beautiful in everything. It is always there. We just must open our hearts, open our souls and eyes and see….

Its a beautiful Sunday. A great day to look at our last week  and see what we have learned to make the next week all that much better. We must not dwell in the past. Or get to anxious for the future. Be happy in the moment. But take your lessons learned everyday to make each new day better. Life is all ours and we must make it that way.

We are here for a purpose. We all are given a gift. Many gifts. But when we take time to sit and realize what we are truly exceptionally good at and build it. Grow it. And use it to help ourselves and others. A whole new world opens up. a Bright Beautiful One. Heavens got a plan for us all.

We must give everything our all and fight til the end for what we want and what we truly believe in our heart and souls is true. Bring back the innocence that we all once had when we were first born. The non judgmental innocence. The pure and true. Its always been there. Find it. Use it.

Thank the heavens and the stars everyday as much as you possibly can for everything we do have. Be GRATEFUL. Find the best in every situation and look at it. Find the purpose. Because…..Everything….Everything happens for a reason.



Have a Beautiful Blessed Sunday. Make the world Smile. 

Much Love, 

U.G.L.Y.     Utah Girls Love You

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At Peace….


U.G.L.Y. has had a wonderful day and hope that you all have too. 

It is important to always be proud of who you are. When we are born, we are born with such innocence and no judgement against anything or anyone. We are taught to judge and look at things the way others do, when we should always stay true to ourselves and what we believe in our hearts and souls. It is important to be proud of who you are and what you believe. Be proud. Be true. Be strong. and most of all stay Happy and Positive.



Have a beautiful night and a great nights rest!

Much Love,

U.G.L.Y.     Utah Girls Love You

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